

Step 1: Set up the machine

  • Find a sturdy chair or bench that can support your weight.
  • Place the seat on the machine so that your feet can comfortably rest on the pedals.
  • Adjust the handles to a comfortable height.

Step 2: Prepare your body

  • Stand in front of the machine and place your hands on the handles.
  • Relax your lower back and core.
  • Keep your back straight and your shoulders down.

Step 3: Start the machine

  • Press down on the handles to start the machine.
  • Keep your core engaged and your back straight.

Step 4: Perform the exercise

  • Push down on the handles until your body is parallel to the ground.
  • Hold the position for a few seconds, then slowly release.

Step 5: Repeat

  • Continue to perform the exercise for the desired number of repetitions and sets.


  • Start with a light weight.
  • Breathe normally throughout the exercise.
  • Don't bounce or jerk the weight up.
  • If you feel any pain, stop the exercise and consult with a fitness professional.