去健身房锻炼肌肉,用英文怎么说?健身房的特色课 拉伸课 拳课 多少钱 哪一个便宜 哪



Work out at a gym.或者 go to the gym to work out.。

2、健身房的特色课 拉伸课 拳课 多少钱 哪1个便宜 哪

两者贵或便宜,在每个健身房都不1样; 这个健身房的特色是主打哪个特色,对应课程的教练水平和知名度高,就回贵1些; 1般来说,特色课程都会比常规课(增肌减脂课程)贵,但特殊课程就不好对比了,看个人需求和目的,拉伸课不用多,1周上两次足够,不影响你报名拳击课程;拳课和增肌减脂是需要时间磨练的!有决心,那就just do it! 。

3、健身房常用英语 帮我翻译几个

1、这个(器械)你用完了吗? are you done with this machine?

2、每1组做8到12次,做4到5组就差不多够了 do it eight to twelve times for each set, you‘ll be good with about four or five

3、感觉到肌肉收缩再舒张就对了 Relax your muscles when you feel contraction

4、身体不要摇晃,仅仅动你的胳膊肌肉 don't move your body,just your muscles。


杰西卡:凯特,你通常怎么度过晚上的时光? Kate: I've joined the gym here, so I go and exercise and go for a swim. 凯特:我加入了这里的健身俱乐部,所以我会去锻炼,游泳。 Jessica: Swim. How long do you stay each time? 杰西卡:游泳。你每次锻炼多长时间? Kate: About 2 hours. 凯特:大约两个小时。 Jessica: Wow. So what do you do during those two hours. 杰西卡:哇。那这两个小时里你都做。

5、求英语作文 关于去健身房运动的故事 250字左右

1、英语作文: Title: A Story About Going to the Gym Once upon a time, there was a young woman named Sarah who decided to start going to the gym. She had always been interested in fitness but had never taken the leap to join a gym before. Determined to improve her he。
